Can Cats Eat Dog Food? Yes Top 5 Food Thats Eat Both Cats & Dogs

What we feed our loved ones is of course, what keeps their health and living state all up together. Sure, cats and dogs might both be prized pets but that does not mean they need to eat the same things. The proof of the pudding is — poor little Benji might be having some distress as a result and many pet owners are asking themselves: can cats eat dog food? In this post, we explore how the needs of cats and dogs differ regarding nutrition; why dog food for cats might be dangerous & Why Cats Need Cat Food?

Can Cats Eat Dog Food?

Obligates carnivores like cats You see, their bodies are designed to eat animal proteins and fats with particular nutrients from animal sources. They are omnivores unlike the usual cats, but dogs. They are technically okay on a diet including plant-based food or even non-animal protein, but not to the extent cats need it.
This key difference is a major reason why feeding dog food to cats is not advised. The composition of dog food is prepared to satisfy the omnivorous dietary needs that dogs have and not those of cats;
There are some key nutrients which […] [are] essential for cats but may not be in their doggy diet:


Cats need a lot of Taurine, an amino acid you can only find in meat. Cats, unlike dogs, are unable to synthesize enough taurine on their own and must receive it in their diet. Taurine is an essential ingredient for cats’ complex diets, as a lack(tori beta f) of taurine can result in them going blind or having heart trouble (called dilated cardiomyopathy – we have had to deal with at least one cat that developed this because he was not eating enough).

Vitamin A:

Dogs can turn beta-carotene from plant sources to vitamin A but not cats. Vitamin A for Cats: Pre-formed vitamin A is only present in animal tissues, especially the liver. Cats need to eat more meat protein than dogs do, so feeding dog food can lead to a deficiency in cats such as problems with skin and coat (dermatitis);, sights( night blindness) because of a lack of a normal process of epithelial layer metabolism/approval; the immune systems.

Arachidonic Acid:

Cats also need an essential fatty acid called arachidonic acid in animal fat, too. Dogs can produce this acid from plant oils, but unfortunately, cats cannot. It is an essential fatty acid required for the skin, kidney function, and overall immune response. Arachidonic acid is not present in large amounts in dog food, which can cause cat health problems.

Protein Content:

Cats Require Much More Protein than Dogs. The liver is putting the amino acids from protein through production around the clock which makes cats obligate carnivores that require a high-protein, animal-based diet on an ongoing basis. Because dog food has less protein than cat meals, long-term use may cause malnutrition and muscle wasting in cats.

Can Cats Eat Dog Food?

Feeding dog food to cats on a regular basis is generally not recommended as it can lead to various nutritional deficiencies, but in an emergency if you are out of cat food what would happen? So, in essence, A little dog food will not hurt the cat to be used only as a meal from one-time is there no other way. But, keep in mind that this kind of food can NEVER be a staple.


Dog food does not contain the same nutrients or amino acids that cats require to be healthy, so it is quite a bit of time before this lack would affect their health. However, no matter how much you think your cat likes the taste of dog food, it is not nutrition he needs to have maintained for his entire life. Continued feeding of cat food to dogs can lead to malnutrition and severe health problems.

Dangers of Feeding Dogs Food to Cats

This can cause long term health problems if a cat eats dog food for an extended period of time. Some common outcomes of not feeding your cat enough:

Taurine Deficiency:

As was discussed above, taurine is irreplaceable for the heart and eyes (=vision) of a cat. Not enough taurine in the diet can cause heart disease and even low retinal degeneration. Most commercial dog foods do not provide the necessary taurine levels for a cat to receive optimal health.


If a cat is always eating dog food, he may miss out on the protein vitamins and fatty acids that are important for his diet. Eventually, this can lead to the worst case scenario which will consist of a dry scaly coat along with weight loss and muscle atrophy which compromises the immune function as well; leaving even young pets more prone for infections.

Liver Problems:

High quality protein — Cats need more animal based proteins than dogs. Cats, being obligate carnivores, have a high protein metabolism and a low-protein diet can lead to liver problems.

Obesity or Weight Loss:

Even if dog food isn’t as nutrient-rich, it can still be very calorie-dense or high in carbs which cats don’t use well. Result, over time this could result in obesity or the opposite and cause your cat to lose weight unintentionally because of not enough protein.

Behavioral Issues:

High quality protein — Cats need more animal based proteins than dogs. Cats, being obligate carnivores, have a high protein metabolism and a low-protein diet can lead to liver problems.

Offer Fresh Water:

Make sure they have plenty of fresh water available to help filter out any ingredients that may not agree with their digestive system.
Monitor for Symptoms:
Observe How Your Cat Behaves. Search for symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue or loss of appetite. If one or more of these are present, it may be best to consult your veterinarian for further care.

Provide Proper Cat Food:

Be back on your regular cat food so that it gets all the vitamins and minerals they need. If you run out of cat food, grab a small bag at the store or consult your veterinarian for interim homemade pet food.
Why do cats need a species-appropriate diet?
Each of these has a long biological history which means that they are designed to eat different food. Although dogs are capable of eating a wider range of foods, cats need to eat meat — or they will suffer from malnutrition. This is the reason why feeding cats a species-appropriate diet is crucial.
To that end, commercial cat foods contain the nutrients taurine and vitamin A which have become essential to a cats health and are available in quantities of protein arachidonic acid on considerable amounts. On top of that, It also offers complete and balanced nutrition specific to the life stage (kitten, adult / maintenance or senior) needs as well as special health conditions.
Consult your vet for any concerns regarding diet or options you have with feeding your cat. They can help teach you how to select the best cat food for your pet with specialized dietary needs and also guide on ways of managing specific health conditions.


As we listed some of the dangers that feeding your cat dog food brings, it really does not make sense to feed a cat with dog food since it is unhealthy for them. Obligate carnivores, cats require a diet high in animal proteins and certain nutrients like taurine, vitamin A, and arachidonic acid. The reality is this: dog food, designed for omnivorous dogs, simply cannot provide these necessary nutrients in adequate levels.
Frequently feeding a cat dog food can lead to nutritional deficiencies, malnutrition and potentially even serious health problems. Instead, the optimal thing to do is always feed your cat a diet that reflects its species-appropriate needs. Generally, breaking a small may be the food for dogs emergency dogging forbidden am Sache cat because toxic KEA would therefore to go out receive quick harm if promptly is nonzero more grail in large amounts.
Feed you cat a high quality food to have the best health, and please speak with your vet if they think there are other things that should be given.

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